CONFIRMED: Thomas Preston Green, Retired, Veteran, US Air Force, WWII/Korea (1-24) 4 Jan 24

January 4, 2024 @ 10:45 am – 2:30 pm
Brookehill Funeral Home
711 SE Military Dr
San Antonio, TX 78214
CONFIRMED: Thomas Preston Green, Retired, Veteran, US Air Force, WWII/Korea (1-24) 4 Jan 24 @ Brookehill Funeral Home | San Antonio | Texas | United States


The family of Mr. Thomas Preston Green, a US Air Force (Ret.) Veteran, requests the presence and participation of the San Antonio Patriot Guard at the services and LEO supported procession, and graveside rendering of military honors of their loved one. We are honored to accept this invitation.

Msgt Thomas “Tommy” Preston Green, USAF retired was born on January 5th, 1923, in Springhope, North Carolina. He enlisted in the military in 1942. First in the Army, and then later, in 1947, when the Air Force was created. He was active during World War II, the Berlin Air Lift, and Korea. He was stationed at many different bases around the world during his career. While he was stationed at Lackland AFB around 1952 he became lifelong friends with Louis L Nicholson, Jr. who introduced him to his sister, Phylis Nicholson. On April 5th, 1953, in a small ceremony at the First Christian Church in El Dorado Kansas (where Phylis was from) they married and immediately left for Springhope NC to meet his relatives. They did not waste any time in starting a family and on March 21, 1954, Melody Ann was born in San Antonio, Texas. In May of that same year, he left for Korea. He always said that was the coldest place on earth. Several years later, on April 9, 1958, while stationed in Elgin AFB in Florida, their second daughter, Melinda Sue, was born.

He served in many interesting and diverse places during his military service. Selma, Alabama, during a time when segregation was evident, Lajes AFB in the Azores, an island off the coast of Portugal, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, where at that time, Khrushchev threatened to fire nuclear missiles and destroy that base. Later he was assigned to Andrews AFB while John F Kennedy was President. On November 22, 1963, when JFK was assassinated and flown back to Andrews AFB, he was there to salute the plane.

After retiring from active service in June 1964, his family settled in San Antonio, Texas. He owned an Enco station, Tommy’s Enco, and even sponsored a little league team at the Five Diamonds for several years. He also worked for the US Postal Service for a few years before going into Civil Service and working at Kelly AFB Security Service. In total, he served our country for 33 years. He never really retired and always had his hands in something. He was a man of great faith and made sure everyone knew he loved the Lord.

WEATHER: Hi 60 / Lo 42, 0% Chance of Rain, 80% Humidity, Wind: 4 mph NNE

REQUESTOR: Melinda Fletcher, Daughter


STAGING: 10:45 am, Thursday, January 4, 2024

Brookehill Funeral Home

711 SE Military Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78214


BRIEFING: 11:00 am


SERVICE: 11:45 am

Brookehill Funeral Home

711 SE Military Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78214


KSU: 12:45 pm (Semper Gumby)


INTERMENT: 1:30 pm – Shelter #4 (Call to Verify)

Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery

1520 Harry Wurzbach Road

San Antonio, Texas 78209


RC: Tom “Tom Cat” Wilson


FC: Pat “Captain” Jopling



1. Iron horses if you can, cages are always welcome and appreciated and unless under special circumstances not allowed in processions. You do not have to have a motorcycle to participate in honoring our veterans.

2. Safety First: Please remember to properly hydrate (including the night before) before any outdoor activity and to dress appropriately. Do not hesitate to take a break at any time if you feel you need to get in the shade or get indoors and always ask for help at any time. Also please do not forget your sun screen.

3. Please remember that our mission is to stand tall and silent, and with honor and. NO TALKING, SMOKING, CHEWING OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS, OR CELL PHONE USE IN THE FLAG LINE!

***Safety Notice***

Before volunteering and/or attending any San Antonio Patriot Guard Riders missions we encourage you to review all safety information below. Included are some potential safety concerns to be aware of, however this does not include the full scope of all potential hazards. Anyone attending any San Antonio Patriot Guard Riders mission understands that they do so at their own risk. Neither the Patriot Guard Riders Organization nor its representatives are liable for any damages incurred on any PGR mission or event.

Funeral Processions/Escorts

EVERY RIDER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for their own safety at all times while riding in a funeral procession.

At NO TIME are any riders authorized to block any intersection or otherwise block or impede traffic laws in any way. Only Law Enforcement officials are authorized to block and/or impeded the lawful flow of traffic.

If you choose to fly a Flag on your bike you are SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for ensuring it is secured and not a danger to any other rider or traffic.

Warm Regards,

Bob “Pizza Man” Johnson
Asst. State Captain
Deputy State Captain
San Antonio Patriot Guard
Dignity, Honor, Respect
Cell: 562-413-2223

“We can’t all be heroes. Some of us get to stand on the curb and clap as they go by.”
Will Rogers