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Patriot Guard Rider Gear

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Patriot Guard Rider Gear

Post by sgtmack » 18 Aug 2016, 10:42

Once you become a member of PGR, you may access the National PGR site Store and purchase, caps, pins, clothing (t-shirts, shirts, bandanas) articles, patches, stickers, etc.

The National PGR's site is the official site for purchase of Patches and other articles denoting the PGR trademark

Below is the link to the PGR Store

Distinctive SA PGR Gear

We have a distinctive SA PGR patch, Pin, SA PGR Banner and a few other items made. SA PGR Members, the Pins, Patches, and Coins are here! The pins in the top picture will be exchanged for a donation of $3 for one or $5 for both, the patch in the bottom picture will be exchanged for a donation of $5, and the coin in the picture on the right will be exchanged for a donation of $5. Both Juan Tarango and Jean'n Kristine Clark have all three and more. You can call Juan Tarango at 210-643-3724 or call/text Jean Clark at 210-452-2745
SA PGR Windshield Banner
SA PGR Bumper sticker
SA_PGR Bumper Sticker.jpg

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