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[2016] [SA PGR] Ride Captain Meeting, Meet and Greet

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[2016] [SA PGR] Ride Captain Meeting, Meet and Greet

Post by sgtmack » 24 Dec 2016, 19:51

San Antonio Patriot Guard Riders (SAPGR) and Ride Captains (RC),

Save the date! There will be a RC meeting on Sunday 17 April 2016 at 1100 hours, location to be announced (TBA).

Immediately following the RC meeting we will conduct a Meet and Greet (M&G) social function in the same location from 1230 until 1430 hours. Please bring new members, prospective new members, and those interested in helping us further the mission of honoring our heroes. You will be responsible for your own food and beverages.

As a reminder, you do not have to "own or ride a motorcycle" to honorably stand tall and silent in a flag line to insure dignity and respect is shown for our heroes. We need volunteers to assist with support vehicles that help with water and to assist with flag and/or equipment movement.

Think about ways to improve our organization, improve our membership, and make communication for the SAPGR better. Constructive criticism and positive suggestions are always welcome. This is your organization and your leadership is here to assist you with growing and getting it done faster and better than before. Everyone is a volunteer, no one in this organization receives a pay check, treat each other as we expect to be treated.

I look forward to seeing and meeting everyone there, if you can not make it we will begin to have M & G on a regular basis and you can make the next one.

Also, the San Antonio Area PGR website is up and running.


Mr. Jean "Dae Wi" Clark
Texas, Asst. Deputy State Captain
San Antonio Patriot Guard Riders
Dignity, Honor, Respect
Cell: 210-452-2745

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