Texas PGR Organizational Structure and San Antonio's Present Positions and basic Duties
Posted: 14 Jun 2016, 03:01
Texas PGR Organizational Structure and Present Positions and basic Duties
There is an organizational structure within the PGR in Texas. Below is an outline of that structure along with a brief explanation of what the job of that individual is.
- State Captain (SC) – The State Captain is appointed for each state by national PGR. The State Captain has administrative oversight responsibilities for the 11 regions in TX and is responsible for the general smooth operation of the PGR in Texas. The State Captain appoints and is the supervisory authority of the Deputy State Captains, is the primary liaison with the PGR National Regional Captain and PGR national personnel and is the head of all PGR operations in Texas. The State Captain is the designated contact person for Texas on the national PGR web site and many, of the missions we do come to the State Captain first. The State Captain can be identified as the person wearing a light Tan baseball style hat with the PGR logo on the front and “State Captain” written on the back.
- Assistant State Captain (ASC)– A person appointed by the State Captain to assist him/her with duties as assigned by the State Captain.
- Deputy State Captain (DSC) – A person designated by the State Captain to be the administrative and operational head of one of the 11 regions in Texas. The Deputy State Captain reports to the State Captain. When the State Captain receives a notice of a mission, he/she will transmit that information to the geographically appropriate Deputy State Captain for further action. The Deputy State Captain will determine the type of mission, make telephone contacts as necessary, etc., and make further assignment of the mission to a Ride Captain. In Texas, the Deputy State Captain is responsible for anything that happens in his/her region. Web site administration, most equipment procurement, funds, etc., are the responsibility of the Deputy State Captain. The Deputy State Captain is responsible for the supervision and training of the Ride Captains and ensuring that all missions are carried out appropriately. The Deputy State Captain can be identified by his/her light Tan baseball style hat with the PGR logo on the front and “Deputy State Captain” written on the back. The San Antonio Region DSC is Jean “Dae Wi” Clark Email: txjcpgr@gmail.com
- Assistant Deputy State Captain (ADSC) - The Assistant Deputy State Captain is a person who has been appointed by the Deputy State Captain to assist with duties as assigned by the Deputy State Captain. The Assistant Deputy State Captain will usually be a current or former Ride Captain due to their familiarity with the particular duties of both positions. The San Antonio Region ADSC Mike "KNine" Judge Email: knine (dot) sapgr (at) yahoo.com
and Mylissa “Left-Field” Pannell-Munguia Email:
- Ride Captains (RC) – A Ride Captain receives a notice of a mission from the DSC and responds if they will take leadership of the mission. The Ride Captain has the hands on responsibility for any PGR mission. The Ride Captain is also the PGR primary contact with the honorees' family. This duty requires sensitivity, understanding and a knack for being able to understand and anticipate their needs. Most of the time these details are ever changing, requiring the Ride Captain to be flexible, diplomatic and persistent, yet firm in obtaining solid information as soon as possible so the riders can have information as soon as they can before the mission. For that reason, and many others, the Ride Captain is in complete charge of a mission once it has been turned over to them by the Deputy State Captain. They have the full support of the Deputy State Captain and the State Captain. They can be identified by their Burgundy baseball style hat with the PGR logo on the front and their road name written on the back. San Antonio Region has several Ride Captains.
- Flag Captains (FC) – A Flag Captain receives a notice of a mission from the DSC and responds if they can support the mission with the flags and water for the participants. San Antonio Region has several Flag Captains
- Facebook Admin (FA) – Sets up the Facebook system providing members a place to sign up to receive mission information, assists members with any problems they encounter, and keeps the site operational. This provides us with 2 ways to get info out in the event one system goes down. San Antonio Region Facebook Admin is Mike Judge
- Webmasters – Sets up an email system providing members a place to sign up to receive mission information, assists members with any problems they encounter, and keeps the site operational. Sets up a website with sections and forums for members to access to receive information on missions, other PGR events and Non-PGR events, calendar with events for their planning purposes, chat areas, etc. they are the technical adviser and assists all members with navigating the site, posting in authorized areas, problems they might encounter, etc. They keep the site operational and coordinates with the provider. They will also Email out the Mission notices when required. San Antonio Region Webmaster is Ken McDaniel: sgtmack.pgr@gmail.com, Assistant Chris Smart: bubba.pgr@gmail.com
All requests for PGR attendance, regardless of mission type or nature, are to be sent to the DSC for approval. Depending on the request, it may be placed as a Tentative mission on the SA PGR Facebook page and Website Event Calendar. Once confirmed and approved, it will be sent to Operations who will update the post and send out the Mission Email to all those that have subscribed. Tentative will be removed from the event title in the Event Calendar and put on the SA PGR Facebook Page as an Confirmed Mission Event.
If you have a question about the approval or non-approval of a mission request, please contact the DSC for the region in which the mission would occur.
When this protocol is followed, the info flows smoothly and provides maximum time available for everyone to complete their duties for the mission requested.
Thank you all for honoring our service men and women, and their families in their time of mourning the loss of a loved one. You make a difference that counts!
You may notice some things that differ at San Antonio PGR missions than you may be use to elsewhere. This might help explain some of them.
- You will rarely see the Ride Captain in charge of a mission standing with a flag in a flag line. The Ride Captain has many responsibilities before, during and after a mission. They are too numerous to mention them all here, but they include keeping an eye on all of the riders to ensure their well being, presenting plaques or coins as necessary, being available to the funeral personnel, military and family at a moment’s notice in the event of last minute changes (which are not at all unusual), etc.
- You may see some other Ride Captains, who are not directly in charge of the mission, also not standing with a flag in the flag line. As a general rule in North Texas, additional Ride Captains have been asked to assist the Ride Captain in charge with duties such as keeping an eye on riders to make sure they do not become exhausted, dehydrated, ill, etc., while in the line. They will assist in handing out water, giving riders breaks as necessary, assisting elderly or disabled family members if required, etc. In situations where assistance is not required, the “extra” Ride Captains have been asked to stand in the flag lines if possible but to still keep their eyes open and assist when needed. It may seem to some like they are “goofing off” but that is NOT the case. They are occupied with assisting the Ride Captain in charge.
- You may see the Deputy State Captain or the Assistant Deputy State Captain performing the same tasks as the “extra” Ride Captains. At a mission they are present to assist in any way needed to ensure a safe and successful mission. Often times these individuals, along with many of the Ride Captains, have a working relationship already established with funeral home, military, church, and other personnel and you will see them conversing with these persons and making introductions. This is all part of the rapport that has been established over time between these people and the PGR and part of what makes the PGR so readily accepted in North Texas.
- You are likely to see a PGR member taking photographs and not standing in a flag line the entire time.
There is an organizational structure within the PGR in Texas. Below is an outline of that structure along with a brief explanation of what the job of that individual is.
- State Captain (SC) – The State Captain is appointed for each state by national PGR. The State Captain has administrative oversight responsibilities for the 11 regions in TX and is responsible for the general smooth operation of the PGR in Texas. The State Captain appoints and is the supervisory authority of the Deputy State Captains, is the primary liaison with the PGR National Regional Captain and PGR national personnel and is the head of all PGR operations in Texas. The State Captain is the designated contact person for Texas on the national PGR web site and many, of the missions we do come to the State Captain first. The State Captain can be identified as the person wearing a light Tan baseball style hat with the PGR logo on the front and “State Captain” written on the back.
- Assistant State Captain (ASC)– A person appointed by the State Captain to assist him/her with duties as assigned by the State Captain.
- Deputy State Captain (DSC) – A person designated by the State Captain to be the administrative and operational head of one of the 11 regions in Texas. The Deputy State Captain reports to the State Captain. When the State Captain receives a notice of a mission, he/she will transmit that information to the geographically appropriate Deputy State Captain for further action. The Deputy State Captain will determine the type of mission, make telephone contacts as necessary, etc., and make further assignment of the mission to a Ride Captain. In Texas, the Deputy State Captain is responsible for anything that happens in his/her region. Web site administration, most equipment procurement, funds, etc., are the responsibility of the Deputy State Captain. The Deputy State Captain is responsible for the supervision and training of the Ride Captains and ensuring that all missions are carried out appropriately. The Deputy State Captain can be identified by his/her light Tan baseball style hat with the PGR logo on the front and “Deputy State Captain” written on the back. The San Antonio Region DSC is Jean “Dae Wi” Clark Email: txjcpgr@gmail.com
- Assistant Deputy State Captain (ADSC) - The Assistant Deputy State Captain is a person who has been appointed by the Deputy State Captain to assist with duties as assigned by the Deputy State Captain. The Assistant Deputy State Captain will usually be a current or former Ride Captain due to their familiarity with the particular duties of both positions. The San Antonio Region ADSC Mike "KNine" Judge Email: knine (dot) sapgr (at) yahoo.com
and Mylissa “Left-Field” Pannell-Munguia Email:
- Ride Captains (RC) – A Ride Captain receives a notice of a mission from the DSC and responds if they will take leadership of the mission. The Ride Captain has the hands on responsibility for any PGR mission. The Ride Captain is also the PGR primary contact with the honorees' family. This duty requires sensitivity, understanding and a knack for being able to understand and anticipate their needs. Most of the time these details are ever changing, requiring the Ride Captain to be flexible, diplomatic and persistent, yet firm in obtaining solid information as soon as possible so the riders can have information as soon as they can before the mission. For that reason, and many others, the Ride Captain is in complete charge of a mission once it has been turned over to them by the Deputy State Captain. They have the full support of the Deputy State Captain and the State Captain. They can be identified by their Burgundy baseball style hat with the PGR logo on the front and their road name written on the back. San Antonio Region has several Ride Captains.
- Flag Captains (FC) – A Flag Captain receives a notice of a mission from the DSC and responds if they can support the mission with the flags and water for the participants. San Antonio Region has several Flag Captains
- Facebook Admin (FA) – Sets up the Facebook system providing members a place to sign up to receive mission information, assists members with any problems they encounter, and keeps the site operational. This provides us with 2 ways to get info out in the event one system goes down. San Antonio Region Facebook Admin is Mike Judge
- Webmasters – Sets up an email system providing members a place to sign up to receive mission information, assists members with any problems they encounter, and keeps the site operational. Sets up a website with sections and forums for members to access to receive information on missions, other PGR events and Non-PGR events, calendar with events for their planning purposes, chat areas, etc. they are the technical adviser and assists all members with navigating the site, posting in authorized areas, problems they might encounter, etc. They keep the site operational and coordinates with the provider. They will also Email out the Mission notices when required. San Antonio Region Webmaster is Ken McDaniel: sgtmack.pgr@gmail.com, Assistant Chris Smart: bubba.pgr@gmail.com
All requests for PGR attendance, regardless of mission type or nature, are to be sent to the DSC for approval. Depending on the request, it may be placed as a Tentative mission on the SA PGR Facebook page and Website Event Calendar. Once confirmed and approved, it will be sent to Operations who will update the post and send out the Mission Email to all those that have subscribed. Tentative will be removed from the event title in the Event Calendar and put on the SA PGR Facebook Page as an Confirmed Mission Event.
If you have a question about the approval or non-approval of a mission request, please contact the DSC for the region in which the mission would occur.
When this protocol is followed, the info flows smoothly and provides maximum time available for everyone to complete their duties for the mission requested.
Thank you all for honoring our service men and women, and their families in their time of mourning the loss of a loved one. You make a difference that counts!
You may notice some things that differ at San Antonio PGR missions than you may be use to elsewhere. This might help explain some of them.
- You will rarely see the Ride Captain in charge of a mission standing with a flag in a flag line. The Ride Captain has many responsibilities before, during and after a mission. They are too numerous to mention them all here, but they include keeping an eye on all of the riders to ensure their well being, presenting plaques or coins as necessary, being available to the funeral personnel, military and family at a moment’s notice in the event of last minute changes (which are not at all unusual), etc.
- You may see some other Ride Captains, who are not directly in charge of the mission, also not standing with a flag in the flag line. As a general rule in North Texas, additional Ride Captains have been asked to assist the Ride Captain in charge with duties such as keeping an eye on riders to make sure they do not become exhausted, dehydrated, ill, etc., while in the line. They will assist in handing out water, giving riders breaks as necessary, assisting elderly or disabled family members if required, etc. In situations where assistance is not required, the “extra” Ride Captains have been asked to stand in the flag lines if possible but to still keep their eyes open and assist when needed. It may seem to some like they are “goofing off” but that is NOT the case. They are occupied with assisting the Ride Captain in charge.
- You may see the Deputy State Captain or the Assistant Deputy State Captain performing the same tasks as the “extra” Ride Captains. At a mission they are present to assist in any way needed to ensure a safe and successful mission. Often times these individuals, along with many of the Ride Captains, have a working relationship already established with funeral home, military, church, and other personnel and you will see them conversing with these persons and making introductions. This is all part of the rapport that has been established over time between these people and the PGR and part of what makes the PGR so readily accepted in North Texas.
- You are likely to see a PGR member taking photographs and not standing in a flag line the entire time.