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Mission Guidlines

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Mission Guidlines

Post by sgtmack » 27 Jun 2016, 07:02

This is a collection of info provided to get a new member started.

Everyone attends a mission for the first time. Everyone has questions. Everybody is nervous to some degree and wonders what’s going to happen, what they’re supposed to do, etc. NO PROBLEM. When you decide you want to come to a mission, just show up at the designated time and location, start looking for everybody else and park with the group. The people with the “Burgundy” or “Tan” baseball style caps on with the PGR logo on the front are the Ride Captains. There is sometimes more than one at a mission, but one of them is in charge. Just go up to one and tell them that you’re new. It’s as easy as that. Welcome!! We’re glad you’re here. Here are some tips we think might help.

- What are we going to do? We are going to show respect for the deceased and their family and guests. We are most likely going to form a flag line by holding flags on poles. We may do other things but there will be a briefing to outline everything. When in doubt, just do what everybody else is doing and ask somebody around you what’s going on. The biggest thing is to be willing to show honor and respect for the honoree and his/her family.

- What do I wear? If you’re on a motorcycle, wear what you would normally wear if you were out for a ride in the current weather conditions. If you’re not on a motorcycle, wear what you would wear to be outside for a while on that day. Since we are outside the entire time, normal funeral attire is not required.

- What should I NOT wear? Please remember the setting you are in. We are invited guests to a very solemn occasion. It is not appropriate to wear clothing with vulgar or obscene sayings or that depicts nudity.  Families attend these occasions and it is our mission to show honor and respect to all persons. There are many and varied types of vests, etc., that are worn by the riders. You might want to take a look before deciding on a style all your own.

- What should I bring? The PGR will supply the flags and water. If water is not going to be provided, that will be in the mission announcement. For anything else, like snacks, sandwich, sunscreen, hat, sport drink, rain gear, you’re on your own. Depending on the type of mission, it could be a long day so try to plan accordingly.

- How do I find out when and where the mission will be? If you signed up for the Mission E-mail Notices you will receive the notice by E-mail. It will also be posted on the SA PGR calendar web page at and on the SA PGR Facebook page as an Event at

- What are the requirements for Motorcycles or Cages? None, really. For safety reasons we ask that you be a proficient rider or driver. If you’re not comfortable riding in a formation, please let the Ride Captain know. If your motorcycle or vehicle may not be able to keep up, please let the Ride Captain know. If the Ride Captain thinks your bike or vehicle may not be safe, he/she may exclude you from riding with the group. Remember, the Ride Captain has final say.

-  What do some of the terms mean? There are some words and acronyms that may sound strange the way they are used in our world. For example:

– Cage – A vehicle that’s not a motorcycle. A car, truck, etc.

– Staging – This is where we meet at the beginning of a mission and where a briefing will be held so we get the necessary details and information for the mission from the Ride Captain.

– Big Flag Bike – A motorcycle that has a 3’x5’ flag(s) mounted on it.

– KSU – Stands for Kick Stands Up, or departure time.

– Flag Truck – A vehicle used for transporting the flags/poles from one mission to another.  It also carries water to the missions.

– KIA – A service member that was Killed In Action

– Active Duty Death – A person in the military who died while on active duty but not killed in action.

– Blue Star Family – A family who has an immediate family member currently serving in the military.

– Gold Star Family – A family who has had an immediate family member killed while serving in the military.

– Uninvited Guests(UG) – Anyone that the family has not invited to the funeral or memorial service(s). A term commonly used to refer to protestors from the Westboro (KS) Baptist Church.

– LEO – Sometimes pronounced as the word Leo. Law Enforcement Officer.

– There are many others but this will get you started. Please don’t hesitate to ask someone if a term slips by that you’re not sure about.

A brief suggestion about general conduct: The Patriot Guard Riders are becoming more and more well known and are fast becoming a household name in both civilian and military culture in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world. While it is not our purpose to try and tell anyone how to conduct their lives, we cannot deny that the PGR is easily recognized in public and our image is important to what we represent. The terms “respect” and “honor” are in our literature, on our patches, and freely spoken by all of us when we describe the mission of the Patriot Guard. Our logo contains the revered symbol of the folded U.S. Flag. Let’s face it; people look up to us, what we do and what we stand for. Please consider that when wearing your PGR merchandise or otherwise identifying yourself as a Patriot Guard Rider.  Engaging in any activity that may discredit the organization will hurt our mission. It will lessen the honor that we have shown those for which we have stood tall and silent. And probably worst of all, it will cause pain and disappointment to the families we are so proud to serve. You only have to look into the devastated eyes of a widow, child missing their parent, or mom and dad once to know that you never, ever want to do anything to cause them any more pain than what they’re already going through. Like it or not, we have a responsibility to those people. We’re not a secret any more. Let’s all please think about these things when we can be identified as Patriot Guard Riders.



Road guarding is defined as any time that we take, or attempt to take, the right-of-way away from the traveling public, be that on a public or private street, road or parking lot that is available for public traffic. In more recognizable terms, when we hold up traffic so we can go through a red light, stop sign, or some other kind of traffic control device.

In short – WE DON’T DO IT.

To do this by a civilian in Texas is illegal and the SA PGR does not engage in breaking the law.  We are aware of laws regarding funeral processions, etc.  Those do not cover what we are talking about here.  Please notice we have included parking lots.  If we are in a mall parking lot (for example) that is set up with traffic control devices, we will obey those.  We will, at all times, obey the same laws that everyone else does.  Wearing a patch and riding a motorcycle does not make us exempt.


The only situation where PGR riders being road guards will be considered will be at the specific request of Certified Texas Peace Officers.   This does not include requests from riders of funeral escort companies.  There is a difference.  These Peace Officers must speak directly with the Ride Captain on site, who will work out the details with Law Enforcement.  Any riders used by Law Enforcement will then become the responsibility of Law Enforcement for training and assignment.

No rider may be a road guard who has an unfurled “big flag.”  No rider may be a road guard who is riding with more than one person on their motorcycle.  The Ride Captain will not participate as a road guard.  The Ride Captain and Law Enforcement will be the judges as to the fitness of the person and their equipment for road guard duty.


This is not a new policy.


The following information includes our group riding rules and guidelines for the SA PGR.  Safety is the top priority when it comes to riding within a group.   You must understand that motorcycle group riding has it own dynamics of skills.  it is very important to always arrive at the starting place on time with a full tank of gas, your motorcycle is proper working condition, and be ready to ride.  The group shall leave when all riders are ready and sweep riders signal the leader.

A rider’s meeting will be held by the Ride Captain prior to every ride (reviewing routes, times, signals, placement of other Ride Captains, etc). If you are new to motorcycle riding and/or new to group riding, please make the Ride Captain be aware of this.
The Ride Captain will give you the proper information and position placement within the group that will help your ride experience not only be sager and less stressful, but more enjoyable.  During your Pre-ride briefing the Ride Captain should identify those riders that are not comfortable with riding in groups.  New riders and those not comfortable riding in a group find it difficult to maintain 2-second spacing.  Placing these riders in the rear of the group will help maintain a tight group formation and avoid the accordion effect of the group.  Those riders should be placed in the rear of the formation; this will help prevent the group from starting the rubber banding effect.  The Ride Captain should always review lane changing and passing procedures, but always remember when you are changing lanes to:

– Use Directional or Hand signals

– Check your mirrors prior to changing lanes

– Give a head check for a safe lane change


When in a group  Motorcycles will travel in a two column staggered formation for safety reasons.  The minimum recommended spacing for each motorcycle will be not be less than two seconds (the two second rule) behind the motorcycle in front of them and not be less than one second to the motorcycle in the column next to them. You will find that two seconds is a long distance when riding at highway speeds.  That is it’s a long distance when everything is going well. When things go wrong, however, two seconds distance is gone in the time it takes to figure out you are in trouble. Patriot Guard Riders should adhere to this rule when possible; especially at highway speeds.
Patriot Guard Riders will ride staggered at all times. Since there may be some riders that are not experienced enough to ride side-by-side while in city streets.
- Do NOT ride beside someone. Stay in the staggered formation.

- We will NOT criss-cross in the formation. If the rider in front of you must leave the formation for any reason, or moves forward to fill an open position, the rider directly behind will ride forward to fill in that spot. The rider behind them will ride forward to fill in and so on. This is accomplished when a the procession has stopped and motion restarted. Do not start the procession with any vacant spots in the formation, even if this means you do not get to ride directly next to your buddy. Holes in the formation are dangerous.

- Watch the vehicle in front of you. The moment you take your eyes off that vehicle will be when they hit the brakes (Sight- seeing must not be done during a mission.)

- Use of stock emergency flashers (hazard lights) should be used if you have them. Any other auxiliary lights should not be used as a general rule, as they are distracting to other riders and are NOT to be used after dusk unless authorized on a one-on-one basis in advance by the Ride Captain.  Any questions should be referred to the Ride Captain.

- All riders will use hand signals.

- All hand signals will be passed back to those behind you.

- Be conscious of escort riders or police traveling at higher speeds in traffic lanes next to the procession. They may use horns or sirens.

- If you cannot ride in the entire procession do NOT ride in the procession at all.

- If you must leave the procession, be certain that it is not at a time that an escort rider or police officer is passing you.

- If you are late to a mission, do not ride in the procession until you review the mission briefing with the Ride Captain.

- Prior to arriving at the staging area make sure you have adequate fuel.  A full tank of gas is always the best option.

- If you leave the procession for a detour, unscheduled fuel stop or any other reason, rejoin at the rear of the procession. Do not try and regain your previous spot.

- All cages will follow the motorcycles or where the Road Captain directs.

- All cages must travel with the flashers on and are not required to use hand signals

- Follow the person in front of you. If you have any questions ask the Ride Captain.

- If a car, truck or other vehicle tries to enter the procession, do not block them. Let them through and offer them room to fit in. They will likely move on as traffic allows. Keeping good spacing in the formation will discourage but not prevent this since vehicles need to use freeway exits, etc. Use of obscene, rude or otherwise unfriendly gestures or creating a dangerous situation with a motorcycle or cage can result in the rider being dismissed from the mission.

- Sometimes, vehicles will pull over to the side of the road and/or stop when they see a funeral procession. Sometimes they will not. It is appropriate to wave, give a thumbs up or other appropriate and respectful gesture to someone along the way who is assisting or showing proper respect but anything else should be avoided. Not only is the practice distracting you but you are distracting the other traffic and your fellow riders.

The last bike should ride in the middle of the two bike lanes with all headlights and running lights on. This will help the lead bike see the last bike. This may be a trike.

1. Alcohol (or being under the influence of any drug or medication that is mind altering) is not permitted during ride times.

2. Obey all Traffic Laws – you are responsible for your actions while on the ride.

3. Blocking Traffic to allow access for the group is illegal and dangerous. Remember that a group of motorcycles is not considered a single vehicle. Be courteous and allow other vehicles (cars, trucks, etc) to enter/exit a roadway or change lanes. Always be sure to signal those behind you to slow down in the event of an entering/exiting vehicle.

4. Ride in staggered formation, always maintain a safe distance from the motorcycle in front of you (a 2-second minimum following distance is required for spacing – more if riding conditions dictate (bad weather, etc)).

5. Maintain your position within the group; if there is a space open in the formation, just leave it.

5b. Do not pass in lane (it is illegal) and/or criss-cross to fill it.  Once the group comes to a stop (traffic light, stop sign, etc) then restarts, it should be refilled with the restarting of the staggered formation.

6. In the event of mechanical failure, the group will continue to its designated stop or first safe area to pull off. The last rider and sweep will stop to evaluate the situation for further actions and inform the group ahead of actions needed (in most cases the group stays together until repairs and/or other provisions have been made).  Rules for medical emergencies are similar and should be review by the Ride Captain.

7. When riding through towns or cities, the group will not stop to regroup if broken up until it is out of town or at a designated stop. If the route is not straight through, the Ride Captain should make provisions for other riders to position themselves at turns or have another Ride Captain (or rider) come forward and lead to the designated stop.

8. In the event you need to leave the ride early please let the Ride Captain know, and if all possible; ride in the rear of the group so leaving it will not cause a distraction.

9. If you have any questions or concerns, please address them to the Ride Captain.

10. Remember that Riding Safety is your responsibility and by doing so it will make the rides not only safer but fun.

11. If Weather is going to be bad remember

- Iron horses if you can, cages are always welcome and appreciated.

- Safety First: Please remember to properly hydrate (including the night before) before any outdoor activity and to dress appropriately. Do not hesitate to take a break at any time if you feel you need to get in the shade or get indoors and always ask for help at any time. Also please do not forget your sun screen.

- Please remember that our mission is to stand tall and silent, and with honor and respect for this patriot and their family. NO TALKING, SMOKING, CHEWING OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS, OR CELL PHONE USE IN THE FLAG LINE!

- Let's always remember to keep the motorcycle and voice noise to a minimum when arriving and leaving the shelters.



The San Antonio Area Patriot Guard Riders Flag Line symbolizes an endearing protective barrier of love, honor and respect for our fallen hero and family. The Flag Line is our most sacred symbol and represents the essence of our core values as Patriot Guard Riders. Honor, reverence, dignity, respectfulness, humbleness and love. We are judged by all who view the Flag Line and our conduct and demeanor ultimately translate into lasting impressions. Flag Line decorum is one of the most important tenets of the Patriot Guard Riders.

Our main mission is to honor our fallen heroes, their families, and communities by attending funerals and memorial services. While this was the original purpose of the Patriot Guard Riders at its inception, our missions have expanded to include Memorial Missions, Welcome Home and Troop Send Offs, and Help on the Homefront (HOTH) Missions. The following Flag Line guidelines apply to all missions.

The flag line is a chance for the community to see that there IS support for someone who offered their all for all of us.  We do this as a sign of respect and honor.  The flag line is one of the most visible things we do and perhaps what we are most known for.  The motto of the Texas Patriot Guard is to STAND TALL AND SILENT.
- Please pay attention and listen carefully to the mission briefing provided by the Ride Captain (RC) who is in charge for the mission.

- Members are reminded to turn off or place cell phones/pagers in the silent mode. Cell phone use in the Flag Line is prohibited. If you must make or receive a call, please leave the flag line to a distance where your call cannot be overheard by others.

- If you are a new member of the Patriot Guard Riders and have not participated in a Flag Line, let the RC know so additional information can be provided.

- The RC will establish the flag line location, position and spacing. Flag Lines may be established outside or inside a building; the Flag Line procedures are the same for both events. If you do not have a flag stand tall and silent between other flag holders. If you are in the flag line and are not holding a flag please follow the same guidelines. Flag Line spacing between members should be wide enough so the flags can fly freely and not interfere with the Flag holder next to them, unless otherwise instructed by the RC.

- Do not walk while unrolling the flag or carry a rolled flag.  The flag should be unrolled before leaving the flag truck.  It is OK to carry more than one unfurled flag.

- ]Keep the flag pole vertical at all times.  Do not dip it or tilt it in any way Flags must always be held straight up and are never dipped or allowed to touch the ground.

- Do not walk while rolling up the flag.  Carry it unfurled and wait until you reach the flag truck to roll it.[/li]

- Flag bearers are reminded to stand in silence and in reverence of the solemn occasion. Please, no talking.  If you must, keep it low or leave the flag line, especially when non-PGR members are anywhere within earshot.  Please help each other keep an eye out for non-PGR members in the area.

- No smoking at any time that you have a flag or if you are standing near someone with a flag.  If you have to smoke please leave the flag line area to a secluded location. Smoking or eating in the Flag Line is prohibited. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.[/li]

- Breaks—Sometimes it is necessary to stand in a Flag Line for long periods of time. Ensure that knees are not locked while standing for prolonged periods. Designated riders will be coming around with water and asking if riders need breaks. If you need a break, please look for a Ride Captain or other person designated to relieve you in the line.  If one is not available, hand your flag to the person next to you and leave the line and take your break. If the weather is making you uncomfortable or ill, seek assistance from a Ride Captain or fellow rider IMMEDIATELY.  No exceptions. At the slightest indication of a faint feeling, hand your flag to the person next to you and move away from the Flag Line and sit down. The RC or medical personnel will provide assistance. It is not disrespectful to the service member or the family to leave the flag line for this purpose. Riders, let’s look out for each other! If the weather is hot, hydration is a must. Please ensure you obtain drinking water from the support vehicle at the time you get the flag for the mission. Restroom facilities will be identified by the RC at the mission briefing.

- No unnecessary moving around unless you are leaving the flag line.  Defining “unnecessary” is…unnecessary.

- The SA PGR will normally hold the flag pole on the left side of your body.  This allows you to salute at the appropriate times and  sometimes people will come up to you and want to shake your hand.

- When a salute is given by the military please stand tall and render a salute or place your hand over your heart you may do either at your discretion.   If you are in doubt as to when to release your salute or lower your hand from your heart please follow the lead of the military or your Ride Captain. 

- Keep in mind that we are there to respect the family, and check your vests for any patches which may contain offensive language. Those patches can be covered with masking tape for the duration of the mission. Please dress appropriately for the occasion.

- If you know that you must leave before the mission is dismissed you must park your vehicle far enough away so that it cannot be seen or heard when it is moved. 

- When the signal is given to dismiss the flag line , continue to hold the flag vertically until you reach the flag truck.  Only then should you roll up the flag, being careful to not let it touch the ground.  Please do not carry more flags that you can carry vertically.

- If at a funeral service, memorial service, or cemetery service whether on a flag line or not, do NOT start or move your motorcycle or cage while the service is going on.  Please wait until after the mission is dismissed.

- Please remember that just because our mission may be concluding there may still be family and friends close by and easily within hearing and visual range of what we are saying and doing.  While this is a natural time for us to relax and visit with each other we must maintain our decorum.  These people are experiencing what is possibly the worst day in their lives and we do not serve them well by letting ourselves get loose in our demeanor at this time.  We must maintain our bearing at all times when in the presence of the family and guests.

Standing with Honor and Respect

- Clothing—Dress for safety, comfort and respect. Many suggestions have been made regarding standard shirts or clothing but PGR has not adopted a dress code or policy for our members. A family may have a special request due to ethnic or religious practices for a specifically colored shirt or other form of attire. Since our mission is “respect,” we do everything in our power to honor those requests.

- Trash—Ensure that trash is properly disposed of away from the Flag Line at a location specified by the RC. If you smoke, please field strip your cigarettes and properly dispose of the filter.

Uninvited Guests

- In the event of “uninvited guests (UG) or protesters” the RC will provide specific instructions to flag line members.

- If UG are in attendance we simply hold our flags with our backs turned to the protesters.

- Do not engage the protester either verbally or physically. We may sing, rev our engines or say the Pledge of Allegiance but that is strictly at the direction of the RC.

- If UG attempt to provoke you, stand with your back toward them and ignore them.


-  Do not take any pictures of the family and guests unless the Ride Captain states the family has requested we do so.

-  Do not take any pictures of the coffin.  If those are to be taken, our photographers will take them.  (See below.)

-  Do not leave any procession to take pictures.

-  Do not stop or slow down your vehicle in any procession to take pictures.  If this means that you are unable to take pictures then you should not be trying in the first place.

-  Do not take pictures while holding a flag.

-  Do not take any pictures inside the church, funeral home, religious establishment, or other building used for the service.  If those are to be taken, our photographers will take them.  (See below.)

-  Do not take pictures of the presentations to the family.  If those are to be taken, our photographers will take them.  (See below.)

-  Do not take any pictures of Uninvited Guests – ever.

-  You may see a couple of our riders who have been given permission to roam the mission sites for the express purpose of taking photographs.  These riders have been individually briefed and been provided any special instructions pertaining to the particular mission regarding photos.  They may have special permissions, instructions and requests from the family to take photographs that other riders do not have.  Unless you have been specifically briefed by the Ride Captain prior to a mission on photographic rules for that mission please adhere to the general rules above.

-  If special photographs have been authorized for public viewing they will be available for everyone to see on the web site.



This is perhaps the simplest but most important guideline to address of all.  Safety is paramount.  It is our top priority.  We cannot honor anyone if we don’t get there safely, either individually or as a group.  If you think something is not safe, it probably isn’t.

Unsafe activity of any kind will not be tolerated and will be cause for the Ride Captain in charge of a mission to dismiss a rider from a mission or other activity.

It is a shame to have to put something in those terms, but that’s how important it is.

If someone’s equipment is unsafe, if someone’s riding is unsafe, if someone’s actions are unsafe in any manner, that person jeopardizes not only themselves but their fellow riders, the public and the mission of the PGR.  On any mission or event where a Ride Captain has been assigned, the Ride Captain has final say as to what is unsafe in any category.  Anything that is unsafe will not be allowed to continue.

The Ride Captain cannot see everything.  It is every rider’s responsibility to be on the lookout for anything that is unsafe.  If it’s a hole or obstruction in the road, we point it out, right?  Simple.  Anything that anyone sees that is unsafe, happens contrary to the instructions given by the Ride Captain or otherwise jeopardizes anyone’s safety or the safety of the mission must be pointed out to the Ride Captain in charge of the mission, one of the other Ride Captains or, if present, the Deputy State Captain or the State Captain without delay.

Consumption of an alcoholic beverage, illegal drug or any substance which appears to impair a rider’s ability to function is not allowed during a mission and the rider will not be permitted to continue the mission.  Arriving for a mission under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or any substance which appears to impair the rider’s ability to function will prevent a rider’s participation in a mission.  The Ride Captain may use whatever resources he/she needs in coming to their determination, but the Ride Captain will be the person who makes this decision and their decision is final.

In all matters, including but not limited to those listed immediately above, it is anticipated and expected that the riders present will support the Ride Captain in his/her decision and will provide any and all assistance necessary to ensure that a calm and discrete environment is maintained at all times and that the directions of the Ride Captain are complied with in a calm and efficient manner.

(While we have not had an alcohol or drug situation happen in North Texas [that I am aware of] the issue of a rider being asked to leave a mission due to safety issues has occurred.  These matters are always distasteful but sometimes they happen and hiding our heads in the sand and pretending they don’t is not realistic.  Thankfully these are very rare but let’s help out where we can, when we can.)

Let’s all make it our policy to be safe, stay safe and watch out for each other so that we can do what we came for, and that’s honor our service heroes and their families.



While The San Antonio PGR Has No Established Protocols, The Following Are "Generally Accepted" Practices:

The graveside Saluting Protocol for a Veteran of the Armed Forces is the same as for an Active Duty Service Member.

Present Arms ... Active Military And Veterans Render The Full Military Hand Salute;  All Others Place A Hand Over Their Heart.  Standing At Attention While Holding The Flag Is, In Itself, Considered A Salute.

    When the casket is removed from the coach. The salute should be held until the casket is placed on the bier for the interment service. Simply stated, all those in uniform should salute whenever the casket is moved.

    When the three-volleys are fired and during the playing of Taps. Taps should be rendered immediately after the Rifle Squad is finished. The salute should be held from the time the Rifle Squad Leader begins issuing commands until the final note of Taps has been played.

Because most Honor Guards start folding the Funeral Flag during the firing of the three volleys and the playing of Taps, many think the salute is for the folding of the Flag.

When the Funeral Flag has been folded and passed to the Squad Leader for presentation to the Primary Next-of-Kin, all uniformed members in attendance should come to Attention and remain at Attention until the Squad Leader salutes after presenting the Funeral Flag.
Veterans And Military Salutes

On January 28, 2008, The LAW Was Changed To Give Veterans "Permission" To Render The Military Salute.  Not Only Have They Earned The RIGHT To Do So, But Veterans Are Encouraged To Salute To SHOW That They Have Served Our Country.

Veterans of the Armed Forces, in uniform or in civilian attire, may render the military salute during hoisting, lowering, or passing of the United States flag. Section 9 Title 4 of the United States Code was amended to reflect such action when the U.S. President signed HR 4986: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 into law on January 28, 2008.

U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) praised the passage by unanimous consent of his bill (S.1877) clarifying U.S. law to allow veterans and servicemen not in uniform to salute the flag, even while not covered.

"I look forward to seeing those who have served saluting proudly at baseball games, parades, and formal events," he said. "I believe this is an appropriate way to honor and recognize the 25 million veterans in the United States who have served in the military and remain as role models to others citizens. Those who are currently serving or have served in the military have earned this right, and their recognition will be an inspiration to others."

All veterans should hand salute the flag, instead of holding hand over heart, to show to all that they are veterans instead of civilians who haven't served. And if covered, you don't have to remove your hat to salute in honored respect for your military service. Indoors or outdoors, this rule applies; in uniform or in civilian clothes, this rule applies.

Civilians who haven't served should still remove their hat and hold it or their hand over their heart.

For Those Of Us Who Separated From The Military A Long Time Ago And Need A Refresher. The Following Is From "The Army Study Guide."  Some Of Us Can Hardly Walk Or Even Stand Straight, But We Should Give It Our "Best Effort" To Show Our Pride.  Again, These Are NOT PGR Policies, Just Food For Thought For You To Consider.  The Texas PGR Recommends That You Do Whatever YOU Are Comfortable With.  We Realize That Other Branches Of The Service May Have Slight Variations.

Position of Attention:

a. Assume the position of attention on the command FALL IN or the command Squad (platoon), ATTENTION.

b. To assume this position, bring the heels together sharply on line, with the toes pointing out equally, forming an angle of 45 degrees. Rest the weight of the body evenly on the heels and balls of both feet. Keep the legs straight without locking the knees. Hold the body erect with the hips level, chest lifted and arched, and the shoulders square.

c. Keep the head erect and face straight to the front with the chin drawn in so that alignment of the head and neck is vertical.

d. Let the arms hang straight without stiffness. Curl the fingers so that the tips of the thumbs are alongside and touching the first joint of the forefingers. Keep the thumbs straight along the seams of the trouser leg with the first joint of the fingers touching the trousers.

e. Remain silent and do not move unless otherwise directed.

Hand Salute:
a. The hand salute is a one-count movement. The command is Present, ARMS. When wearing headgear with a visor (with or without glasses), on the command of execution ARMS, raise the right hand sharply, fingers and thumb extended and joined, palm facing down, and place the tip of the right forefinger on the rim of the visor slightly to the right of the right eye. The outer edge of the hand is barely canted downward so that neither the back of the hand nor the palm is clearly visible from the front. The hand and wrist are straight, the elbow inclined slightly forward, and the upper arm horizontal

b. When wearing headgear without a visor (or uncovered) and not wearing glasses, execute the hand salute in the same manner as previously described in subparagraph a, except touch the tip of the right forefinger to the forehead near and slightly to the right of the right eyebrow.

c. When wearing headgear without a visor (or uncovered) and wearing glasses, execute the hand salute in the same manner as described in subparagraph a, except touch the tip of the right forefinger to that point on the glasses where the temple piece of the frame meets the right edge of the right brow.

d. Order arms from the hand salute is a one-count movement. The command is Order, ARMS. On the command of execution ARMS, return the hand sharply to the side, resuming the position of attention.

e. When reporting or rendering courtesy to an individual, turn the head and eyes toward the person addressed and simultaneously salute. In this situation, the actions are executed without command. The salute is initiated by the subordinate at the appropriate time and terminated upon acknowledgment.

f. The hand salute may be executed while marching. When double timing, a soldier must come to quick time before saluting.


The San Antonio Patriot Guard Riders WEB Site

The San Antonio PGR operates and maintains a WEB site for the purposes of providing a visual representation of our mission schedule and other events as well as a repository for our history, announcements, contacts, photographs, etc. While the design and maintenance of this WEB site is currently being performed by an individual PGR member, the content is the responsibility of the Deputy State Captain.

Input to this WEB site, and in particular to the calendar, is from notification E-Mails sent to the membership. In case of a question or error, the notification E-Mail should always be used. The content of these E-mails is usually displayed when you click on the mission title on the calendar, but are sometimes modified to fit the format of a WEB page. Each official PGR mission should have an associated FINAL ITINERARY E-Mail that can be displayed. If not, it could be an error, or not an official PGR mission. If in doubt, refer to your individual distribution list E-Mail.

Errors on the WEB site should be referred IMMEDIATELY to the Deputy State Captain with a copy to the WEB editor (listed in the contacts section) so corrections can be made as quickly as possible.

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