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Welcome New PGR Member from The SAPGR District State Captain

Posted: 14 Jun 2016, 03:17
by sgtmack
A message from our District State Captain

Thank you very much for your interest in volunteering to join the San Antonio Patriot Guard Riders (SA PGR), we are one of 11 Texas Regions. I am the Deputy State Captain for the San Antonio region and can be reached at the number or email listed below. Your request will also be forwarded to the SA PGR Leadership Team in the CC line, and our Web Team to be added to our list serve.

If you have not already done so, please visit the National PGR web page at to sign up nationally.

Once signed up with National, please visit our web page at,, you may want to browse around and “check it out” for useful information. You will find helpful information in our “Mission/Events Calendar”. On our homepage, in the top right corner is a link to our FaceBook page, SA PGR.

Also, you do not have to be a veteran to participate, nor do you have to own/drive a motorcycle. We do have positions available where you can assist with logistics and Flags, or you may attend and stand a Flag Line if you wish to participate.

Upon receiving email notification of an upcoming mission or event, review the information and please arrive at the assigned location during the designated “STAGING TIMES”.

Upon arrival please locate and introduce yourself to the Ride Captain (RC) who may be wearing a “Burgundy” or “Tan” hat, let him/her know this is your first mission with the “SA PGR”. The RC will introduce you to the group, and get you oriented by explaining what to do and where to ride/stand as needed.

Do not hesitate to call or email if you have questions or concerns especially regarding your first mission. Please contact me before attending your first mission and I will give the RC a heads up you are coming.


Mr. Jean “Dae Wi” Clark
Deputy State Captain
Patriot Guard, San Antonio, TX
Dignity, Honor, Respect
Cell: 210-452-2745