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[2016] [SA PGR] Introduction Jean Clark - SATx PGR ADSC

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[2016] [SA PGR] Introduction Jean Clark - SATx PGR ADSC

Post by sgtmack » 24 Dec 2016, 19:37

Notice of Retirement, San Antonio PGR ASDC

Hello Fellow Patriot Guard Riders,

Well, you have already received the news of the San Antonio PGR's new Assistant Deputy State Captain, Jean Clark. I had intended to send my ADSC retirement message out before his announcement, but I had just learned yesterday of the unexpected death of a lady friend of mine and wanted to put my message off for a day. But, as we've said all these years, "Semper Gumby" (Always Flexible).

In the two and a half years since I quit riding my motorcycle for health reasons, I've been unable to actually RC a mission, although I've "caged it" to a few, as I did today. I've continued to help our Deputy State Captain, Charles Rathgeber, with behind the scenes communications with mission requests, funeral homes, and when he has been out of town, scheduling and coordinating missions. I also let him know that if anyone else wanted my position, I would be happy to step aside and let some "new blood" in.

Jean Clark has volunteered, and I wish him well as our new ADSC. It appears that he has the time and inclination to add some new aspects to our group. I especially like the Facebook and website recommendations.

I first learned about and joined the PGR in October 2006. For several years there was a very real need to shield the families of the fallen from "uninvited guests" (protesters), which we had to do on more than one occasion. Under the tutelage of Senior Ride Captain "Master Chief" Joe Spelman, I soon became a Ride Captain and then Assistant Senior Ride Captain to J.D. Alberthal ("PGR Drifter", now your Communications Captain). When the State leaders reorganized some positions, Charles Rathgeber became our Deputy State Captain, I became Assistant Deputy State Captain and J.D. moved over to Communications Captain. Over the next five years or so, I attended or RCed over 50 KIA or Line Of Duty funeral missions, including the "Surge" in 2007, when we averaged a KIA funeral here every couple of weeks. We even had two on one day on opposite sides of town. We got on a first name basis with the staff at Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetery as well as local Law Enforcement. I hope we never have to go through anything like that summer again. I quit counting my non-service related funeral missions when I surpassed 100.

Please try to help Jean Clark in his new role and please continue to support Charles and J.D. Those two guys have been at this even longer than me.

I may be retiring from this position, but I am remaining a PGR member and I'll see you sometime "on the flag line". Please remember that our founding principal and number one priority is the families of the deceased.


George Briscoe
SA PGR ASDC (Retired)

Please welcome to our ranks, Jean Clark, as our new Assistant Deputy State Captain for the San Antonio (South Central Texas) area. Jean will be assisting us in growing our area to where we can accommodate more of our requests to honor our Fallen Heroes, Veterans and Wounded Warriors, and to support their families. Please feel free to contact Jean or myself if you ever have any questions or comments on anything that we may be able to assist with. Thank you.

Charles Rathgeber
Deputy State Captain – SATx PGR
Blue Star Dad – Semper Fi
(830) 822 – 8487

Hello San Antonio Region Patriot Guard Riders.

My name is Jean "Dae Wi" Clark and I am partnering with Deputy State Captain Charles Rathgeber to be his Assistant Deputy State Captain for San Antonio. I have been with the PGR for more than 2 years, many of you have seen me attending missions around the San Antonio, North Texas, and East Texas areas, or on FaceBook or Snowball Express Photographs. I look forward to standing and riding with each of you, and will not ask you to do anything I have not done or will not do. I can be easily identified as the person who wears pressed long sleeve shirts with a "Bowtie" to missions. I am a retired Police Sergeant from Albuquerque NM, former College Security Director and retired again from the military with 28 years Army service and 5.5 years of Air Force Service, both commissioned and enlisted. I am married to Dr. Kristine Clark an Academian with Alamo Colleges, she has been a Exec VP, a VP, and a Vice Chancellor of the Alamo Colleges district after retiring from Central NM College as a Dean of Students. We have 4 children, 2 in the DFW area (2 grandkids there also), and 2 children still in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Additionally, we have some family in the DFW area as well as Bakersfield, California.

Charles and I will collaborate on decision making prior to major decisions regarding the SAPGR and its future strategic direction. We are a unified front and will work and respond this way whenever possible, and will be read in on each others email and correspondence.

That being said, we have initially identified a few needs that will help us get up to date with the other 10 regions in Texas, please think about positive input regarding the list below and feel free to assert, suggest, and send productive information:

1. Mission Calendar, Website, FaceBook Pages (Public and Closed)

2. Information flow and Mission Requests to and from the State Captain, our Ride Captains, and our backbone, the Riders and Support Volunteers

3. Ride Captains, Recruiting, Meetings, and Coordination

4. Meet and Greet Social Functions

5. Gathering of the Guard, annual social function of Texas PGR



Address any questions to:

The West Texas Region will be the host for the 2016 Texas PGR "Gathering of the Guard".
When : April 29th & 30th
Where: Medina Highpoint, 23195 State Highway 16m Medina, TX (formally know as Koyote Ranch)

If paid and received by April 18th registration is $30.00 each person, if after or at the gathering will be $35.00.
Early bird payers will receive a Texas PGR patch with the 2016 rocker. Past years rockers will be available.
These fees include 2 dinners and 2 breakfast.
Please make checks payable to West Texas PGR
c/o Teresa Galloway
7608 Florida Ave.
Odessa, TX 79764

We will have a 50/50 drawing. Also will need Auction items.

As always you will need to make your own lodging. Go to the Medina Highpoint website or call 1-800-225-0991


Mr. Jean "Dae Wi" Clark
Texas Patriot Guard Rider
Dignity, Honor, Respect
Cell: 210-452-2745

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